What Millennials Really Want Out of Work

A new generation has joined the workforce, and we can’t seem to figure out what they want. Some observers believe that Millennials display “a notable urgency to make social change” (Washington Post), and their “commitment to altruism signifies a fundamental change” (Forbes). Others call Millennials “narcissistic praise hounds” (CBS News), “cocky about their place in the world” (Time), whose goal is “wealth and fame” (USA Today).

Who’s right?

Neither—or both.

A generation is typically defined as a birth cohort that shares defining political, social, and economic events. We can squabble about where to draw the arbitrary lines, but let’s work from one popular convention: Baby Boomers were born between 1946 and 1964, Generation X between 1965 and 1981, and Millennials between 1982 and 2000. In most studies, research survey members of each generation about the relative importance that they attach to particular values, searching for differences between generations.

But the psychologist Jean Twenge realized that this approach was fundamentally flawed. Imagine that yesterday, we gave a survey to Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials about their work values, and found some big differences. How can we be sure that this is a generational effect? We’re drawing conclusions about each generation when they’re at different ages, with different amounts of life experience.

Twenge invented a more scientifically rigorous way to study generational differences. What if we could ask every generation the same questions when they were the same age, at the same stage in life? In one study, Twenge and her colleagues got access to a survey of work values that was done with nationally representative samples of over 16,500 U.S. high school seniors in 1976 (Boomers), 1991 (Gen Xers), and 2006 (Millennials). Since the same questions were asked in different time periods, it was possible to make a fair comparison of generations.

The high schoolers rated the importance of various job attributes on a 1-5 scale, where 1=not at all important and 5=very important. Twenge and her colleagues grouped the questions into five categories of work values:

  • Intrinsic: interesting work, learning opportunities, being challenged
  • Extrinsic: pay, promotions, status
  • Altruistic: helping others, contributing to society
  • Leisure: vacation time, work-life balance
  • Social: interacting with others, making friends

When you look at the data, the three generations are remarkably similar. On average, all three generations rated intrinsic values the highest, extrinsic and altruistic values in the middle, and leisure and social rewards at the bottom. If you’re trying to predict what people fundamentally want at work, knowing their generation is largely useless.

This is what psychologist Jennifer Deal has found in independent research. In Retiring the Generation Gap, she writes: “All generations have similar values; they just express them differently.” We might have unique ways of getting there, but we pretty much want the same things out of work.

To be fair, there is evidence for some differences between generations. For example, members of the Millennial generation do appear to be slightly more disobedient. When psychologists run the famous Milgram experiment today, asking people to deliver painful electric shocks, Millennials are more likely to object. They seem to care more about self-expression than social approval.

The biggest area of debate concerns narcissism, and Twenge has authored two insightful, witty popular books on this issue: Generation Me and The Narcissism Epidemic, with Keith Campbell. Both are based on findings that narcissism and entitlement scores are higher among Millennials than any other generation on record.

But there is violent disagreement among experts here. Psychologists Kali Trzesniewski and Brent Donnellan conducted a study of over 477,000 U.S. high school seniors from 1976 and 2006. They found “little evidence of meaningful change in egotism, self-enhancement, individualism, self-esteem… time spent working or… the importance of social status over the last 30 years.”

The jury is still out on whether narcissism has in fact grown from one generation to the next. Frankly, it’s hard to make any valid, reliable statements about what millions of people who happened to born in the same two decades have in common.

There is one place, though, where the experts agree: age differences swamp generational differences. Narcissism is driven much more heavily by age than by generation. Psychologist Brent Roberts and his colleagues have assembled an impressive body of data suggesting that “every generation is Generation Me, as every generation of younger people are more narcissistic than their elders.”

When it comes to generations, we might want to stop making mountains out of molehills. At the end of the day, we all want the same basic things out of work. Whether we’re Boomers, Gen Xers, or Millennials, we’re searching for interesting, meaningful jobs that challenge and stretch us. For jobs that allow us to support our lives and families outside work, earn respect and form significant relationships, and make a difference in the lives of others.


Adam is the author of Give and Take, a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller.

Image credit: Salon.com

The shift from authenticity to sincerity can be very important for the millennial generation.

Mats Lingblad

Educator and speaker || Strategy and innovation consultant || Equity research || INSEAD || London Business School


“All generations have similar values; they just express them differently.” We are interested in the differences. At a deeper level we are of course similar since we are humans. This article says nothing about the diffrences.

Tim Lapole, MS.Ed.

Senior Training Content Developer at Vbrick


I think the biggest misrepresented data in the article is this, "When you look at the data, the three generations are remarkably similar. On average, all three generations rated intrinsic values the highest, extrinsic and altruistic values in the middle, and leisure and social rewards at the bottom." On the surface it appears that as generations we aren't that dissimilar, in practice however the stereotypes are real for a reason. What I mean is that, while I want my career to be "Intrinsic" I had to work very hard, doing things I didn't love or even like to EARN my chance. The same with "Extrinsic", of course we all want high pay and lots of praise, but previous generations understood that too had to be earned, and is not just offered for showing up. Work-life balance, makes me giggle... I have worked many years were I couldn't even take the 2 weeks vacation I was owed because I was so busy. Vacation and work-life are earned through hard work. We should clarify the term too... work-life balance does not mean working half the day while expecting full pay. The work-life balance was originally a concept for people who worked 40+, 60, 80 hrs a week and were missing out on watching their kids grow up... One final thought, yes stereotypes can be unfair. But, just because "the terrible two's" is a stereotype doesn't make it untrue either.


Brandon, You sound like the pot calling the kettle black. Here you are talking about exercising humility as you note all your achievements and worldly accomplishments. You chastise the use of social media and creations of your day but then have no problem freely using them yourself. You then ask what have we created as you use a forum not available to prior generations and probably programmed by a millennial. I feel you undermine the importance of discussing and sharing ideas and knowledge, which is what this new digital platform has allowed us to do so spectacularly. Just because you cannot see or touch ideas and knowledge, does that make them somehow "less than"? You say millennials are full of "arrogance and pomp," strive for "instant gratification," but do so in an arrogant manner whilst I'm assuming receiving instant gratification after posting your comments. While it is true that if all the power went out all these ideas online would not be freely shared. It is also true that most homes and appliances, traffic and street lights, and most individuals' ability to function at work would also disappear, among a myriad of other things. Are we really going to argue on the tangibility of the things of today? Is the money in your bank account somehow less important because it's not tangible? The vast majority of us in this generation have probably never actually seen 99% of the money we make. But, I won't go down that path... While I do think you bring up many important points and much food for thought I think your post is ultimately a bit short-sighted. To me it sounds exactly like the sort of thing I would expect "a millennial" to say. Is that bad? No, not really. I'll let you be the judge. However, I feel what I'm hearing is a person not comfortable with the fact that the "real world" of today IS a "digital world" and there is no escaping it. Is that a tough pill to swallow? You bet it is but it's also the world we now live in and if the power went out we'd all feel it in a very real and tangible way. Could we work on speaking to one another face-to-face, have more real world experiences, and perhaps put down our digital devices a bit more often? I think so. However, don't undermine the importance of what our generation has succeeded in creating and accomplishing just because you're having cognitive dissonance about living in the digital age.

Jim Jones, CPCU

Executive Director-Katie School, Illinois State University


The most accurate statement in the article is : "Frankly, it’s hard to make any valid, reliable statements about what millions of people who happened to born in the same two decades have in common." This is especially true of a generation that gets their information that forms their opinions not from network news but from diverse sources, had a vast variety of sports and group activities that they participated in their younger years, have parents with much greater wealth disparity than previous generations, and have significant differences in modes of social interaction. They probably have a higher need for entertainment but that too would take various forms. They are a heterogeneous generation.

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