5 Things Steve Jobs can Teach Every IT Leader & Product Developer

5 Things Steve Jobs can Teach Every IT Leader & Product Developer

“There are no secret success mantras or shortcuts to success”

While the unconventional leader might not follow the rules of How to Be a Great Leader, I think we can all learn the things from the leadership outlier.

Whether you are managing a software project, or trying to conceptualize and build an innovative product, there’s much to learn from the master.

Here are five effective thoughts from Steve Jobs to inspire and guide CEOs, tech managers, product mavericks and dreamers - http://bit.ly/1FxQtHA

Share your favorite words from Steve Jobs and why you like them?

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Traci M Lewis, MPH

Seeking a full-time role that leverages community outreach, customer service and data analysis skills obtained in prior work experience.


Great read.

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