19 Warning Signs Your Resume Stinks
19 Warning Signs Your Resume Stinks

19 Warning Signs Your Resume Stinks

Now most of you aren’t in professions where you view resumes on a daily basis, so just take our word for it – the majority of resumes out there are me·di·o·cre. We hear the same sentiments from recruiters and hiring managers; most people just don’t know how to write a great resume.

We spend a lot of time on our blog telling you what you should do to improve your resume and your job search strategy, but now we’re going to take some time to tell you what you shouldn’t do – because you’re probably already doing it.

We’ve outlined 19 of our biggest pet peeves on resumes. This list outlines red flags and common mistakes that have stopped your resume from being short-listed. Even if you think your resume is fine, keep reading. We know you’ve made at least one of these errors.

Now let’s get started, we’ve got a long list to get through.

1. No Formatting

Before the hiring manager reads a single word on your resume, they see your format. The problem is, with many resumes, there’s no format to look at. If you don’t have so much as a bold line under your contact information and separated sections of experience and education, you basically haven’t tried. You opened a new document and just started typing without paying any attention to the visual presentation of your resume!

2. Contact Information

First of all, have you even included your contact information at the top of your resume? Seems like a silly question, but we’ve seen resumes that lack even these basic details. If you did include your contact information, did you include the right information? Your contact information says more about you than you think. Ensure you have a local address, a professional email address and one personal phone number listed. Add a hyperlink to your LinkedIn profile to give it some extra oomph.

3. No Title

Your resume needs a title! A title will eliminate the ambiguity of what role you are applying for. In one line you can sum up your qualifications and your intentions. We always recommend including the title of the position you are applying for, as well as the title of your current position.

4. Objective Statement

An objective statement is weak and does not conform to current resume standards. An objective statement is telling the Hiring Manager what you want out of the role. To be frank, the Hiring Manager does not care about what you want; they care about whether or not you’ll be a good fit for the role. Therefore, you should eliminate your objective and instead discuss the value you will bring to the role.

5. Lack of Customization

If you are using the same resume for multiple positions, the Hiring Manager can tell. In order to increase your chances of being noticed, you must customize the keywords and introduction of your resume to suit each individual role. If you’re not taking the time to do so for your resume, you can bet that someone else is, and they are getting the call-backs.

6. No Keywords

If your resume doesn’t have a keyword section, you are basically doomed. If a Hiring Manager is personally reading (skimming) your resume, they will be looking for keywords. Many times, you have to pass a keyword scanning system (ATS) in order to get to the Hiring Manager. If keywords are not present on your resume, you can count yourself out for that job opportunity. You should be including the keywords present in the job description, as you know that is what employers will be looking for.

7. Ignoring Requests

Follow instructions! If the employer asks for a two-page resume, don’t send them five pages. If they ask for a PDF file, don’t send them a Word document. Nothing will make you look worse than your inability to follow simple instructions. This is a dead giveaway of your work ethic, and Hiring Managers will not be impressed.

8. First Person

Resumes are never written in the first person. Didn’t we all learn this in high school? A big reason for this is the constant repetition of “I-phrases” throughout the resume. Imagine reading multiple resumes a day, each with the same “I did this” and “I did that” phrases. The boredom would be overwhelming.

9. Job Descriptions

We get it, nobody likes writing a resume so they try to find an easy way to get it done quick. Many people resort to copying and pasting their job description into the resume. This is the worst idea. The job description is a generic list of tasks that the person is required to do. That means, that anyone who fulfills this role, will be required to complete these tasks. There is no originality, no achievements and no contributions.

10. Length *

Resumes that go over two pages in length, are never as strong as resumes that maintain two pages or less. Your resume is guaranteed to be viewed by more Hiring Managers and Recruiters if you stay within the two-page mark. Exceeding this limit means that you are unable to be concise and pinpoint your strongest achievements. * For specialized backgrounds this rule does not always apply, for the other 90% of people searching it does. I've worked with clients with scientific and/or medical backgrounds - and we were able to get the original 10 page document down to 2-3 pages. That is more of a professional profile or snapshot for hiring managers to review.. we also revised the original 10 page resume into a second document we call a "long tail" resume that outlines their career synopsis in greater detail...that can be 5-6 pages or more - again we recommend clients use that one when they walk into the interview room, or send it to the recruiter before a phone interview..or let the recruiter know that you have a long tail resume when you are in conversation (or email) so they can have the option of reviewing it or forwarding to the hiring manager. Be ready with two resumes/CVs for two different types of readers.

11. Lack of Examples

You can tell the Hiring Manager that you did all kinds of amazing things, but without the description of examples, it all just sounds like fluff. Examples are a great way to show the Hiring Manager what you’re capable of, instead of telling them. This will resonate much stronger with the reader.

12. No Numbers

Along with examples comes proof. If you tell a Hiring Manager that you increased sales year-over-year, but don’t bother saying how much you increased sales by – there’s no proof. Your numbers quantify your achievements and catch the Hiring Manager’s attention.

13. Gaps in Employment

If you’ve left off certain positions in the experience section of your resume, this is a red flag to Hiring Managers and Recruiters. What are you trying to hide? A gap in employment is never a good thing, you must tell the reader what you were doing in that time. If it was Maternity Leave or if it was a Personal Sabbatical, the Hiring Manager needs a brief explanation. If you leave it unknown, recruiters will assume the worst.

14. Company Synopsis

A popular trend is to include a short company synopsis for each company you’ve worked for. This is not a bad idea, however you must integrate yourself into that synopsis. Don’t tell the Hiring Manager how great your former employer was, tell them how great they were due to your contributions and involvement.

15. Repetition

When restricted to a two-page limit, why would you waste space repeating yourself? If you completed similar tasks in multiple roles, mention them once under the most recent role, and leave it be. Do not copy the exact same line under each role because the Hiring Manager already understands that you have that capability. Use that space to tell them something new.

16. Dates

Be specific with your dates! We’ve already mentioned several times that ambiguity will never help you on a resume. If you were in a contract role for only three months, make that clear on the resume. If you simply list the year with no time frame, you look like you have something to hide. Include the month and year that you entered each role, along with the month and year that you left each role.

17. Functional Resume

If you’ve chosen to use a functional resume and listed all of your different skill-sets at the top of your resume, you will not be shortlisted. There is nothing more frustrating than a functional resume. It’s great that you’ve told the Hiring Manager how diverse and adaptable your skills are, however they want to know when you obtained these skills and under what context. What are your innate talents?

18. Academic Details

Education sections generally lack one of two pieces of information. Either the candidate includes the name of the school they attended, but neglected to include the course or program name. Or they included the course or program name, but did not include the school’s name. Your academic details are not complete without both pieces of information.

19. References

You can easily date yourself by including your references at the bottom of your resume. This is an incredibly outdated practice in the world of resume writing. Another common mistake is including “References Available Upon Request” at the bottom of your resume. Requesting references is no longer an option for employers, it is a requirement. Therefore, letting them know that your references are available upon request is simply redundant.

Whats # 20? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Life is too short to be stuck in a bad job. If you’re ready to move on, my team and I are ready to help. We offer professional resume and cover letter writing services, as well as LinkedIn development, interview coaching and a resume distribution network to over 20,000+ registered recruiters in North America, what are you waiting for?

ResumeTarget is the only resume writing company that offers a professionally written resume, coupled with the guidance of recruiters, to guarantee that your resume will get results.

Don't take our word for it. TAKE THEIRS > Client Testimonials

Sandy James

Professional Resume Writer for all Career Levels and Industries


Great article. As an HR professional for over 18 years, I've seen many resumes and unfortunately most are not professional looking with inconsistent formats and grammatical errors. I once counted 5 different fonts on one resume! Imagine how hard that is to read with tired eyes?

Robert Southern

Educator; Writer; Administrator


Good Afternoon I enjoyed your article / advice column; and, I found a few things, (only a few), that I can use. And so, "much thanks." On a more picayune note, you may want to look at "No. 9, Job Description," and in particular, the first sentence, (I attempted to send a little note privately—but, to no avail). Anyway, once again, "much thanks."

Noam Goldstein

Transportation Planner and Modeler at Mahod Engineering Ltd.


Is it okay to make the font smaller to fit more information on 1 page? I'm thinking about using Arial 10.

Megan Seagram

Streamlining operations, systems & team management to allow CEOs to focus on big-picture, scalable growth


If you don't put reference contact info on the bottom, when do you offer your references? Once they ask for them?

Zanele Mthombeni

Service desk at City of Johannesburg


Thank you for the Advice.


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