LinkedIn best practices

10 Words You Should Not Use on Your LinkedIn Profile [INFOGRAPHIC]

Be honest. When you read a resume and you get to the part where the candidate proclaims that they are “a strategic professional with extensive experience and track record of success” – what do you do?

A) stop in your tracks and immediately set up an interview with them
B) nod your head in approval and continue reading with heightened interest
C) quickly glaze over, sigh, and skip to the meaty part that actually tells you about their accomplishments.

Somehow, I have the inkling that C is the resounding answer of choice. These words are so generic and overused, that they don’t convey anything about who we are as professionals.

With that in mind, what does your own resume or LinkedIn profile look like? Do you have any clichés and general statements like these?

Yes… even recruiters profiles fall victim to professional clichés.

And now that we have acknowledged the problem, we want to help.

To find what buzzwords you should avoid – the ones recruiters tend to overuse the most on their LinkedIn profiles - we dug into LinkedIn data. It turns out that there is a very clear pattern and there are 10 words that tend to be much more common (and clichéd) than others.

Here are the words you should stop using:

Now that you know what not to use on your profile, you should invest some into to polishing your recruiter brand on LinkedIn and making your profile stand out. Download this free ebook: 21 recruiters' LinkedIn profiles that will inspire your own. 

Learn how you can find and hire the right talent using LinkedIn Talent Solutions. Request a free product demo.

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