Will Social Media Help Kill Bad Customer Service?

“Don’t fly with @British_Airways. They can’t keep track of your luggage,” read the angry 60-character Tweet that marked the beginning of a Chicago-based businessman’s two-day Twitter tirade against the major airline early last week. His actions, it turns out, were pretty revolutionary—a blast of fuel to the fire under a corporate world that isn’t adapting quickly enough to new trends in customer service.

What was so remarkable about Hasad Syed’s now-famous Twitter rant against British Airways wasn’t that it involved a frustrated customer calling out a big corporation on social media. (That’s been done thousands, if not millions, of times already by upset clients the world over.)

It was that Syed dished out over $1000 for the tweets, using Twitter’s self-serve promoted tweet platformthe first time a regular person, not a business, has used the service in this way.

And it paid off: big time.

Within hours of sending out the first “promoted complaint” from his personal Twitter account, Syed and his father had received a personal apology from the airline. Their lost luggage was recovered promptly. Meanwhile, major tech news outlets had picked the story up, and over the next couple of days Syed’s tweets literally went viral, being seen not only by tens of thousands of people on Twitter but by many thousands more, as the story was retold by mainstream media sources like TIME and the BBC.

The lesson? Businesses who don’t want to risk getting scorched by large-scale social media mishaps like these are going to have to take a close look at their online customer support strategies—quickly.

After all, Syed’s tale is just the tip of the iceberg in a wave of change that is already sweeping across customer service departments of major corporations around the world. Thanks to increased channels of communication via social networks like Facebook and Twitter, clients are making themselves heard by brands more than ever before. Large corporations who want to stay ahead of the curve in customer satisfaction and avoid major PR disasters must have ample social media resources to ensure that they’re able to respond to unhappy clients quickly and effectively. In 2011 for example, KLM (KLM Royal Dutch Airlines) drew some attention when became one of the world's first airlines to offer 24-7 customer support on social media. Two years later, KLM sees four times the level of client-driven engagement of some of its main competitors on its Facebook page—proof that savvy customers will migrate to channels that are faster and more responsive to their queries and feedback.

There is simply no time for companies to kick back and ignore the revolution. Bigger change is looming. Even dissatisfied customers who can’t afford $1000 each time they want to voice a complaint have already started forming groups online, on platforms that are specifically being developed to help them get their voices heard. On a service like Nevahold for example, people can rally together to get their gripe heard by big companies through the power of numbers—they compose a group “shout,” that can be shared through social media accounts. And what’s stopping more others from gathering on sites like Kickstarter to crowdsource funds for promoted social media complaints? Anything is possible, as we saw last week.

Fading away are the days of waiting in long lineups or on clogged up customer support phone lines to get what we want from big companies who just don’t seem to care about the little guy. Thanks to social media and constantly evolving technologies, people are finding new ways to speak out. And whether they’re willing to pay big bucks or not, Syed’s grassroots campaign is just a sign of what’s to come, as a more wide-scale bottoms-up conversation inevitably develops between consumers and brands.

What is the worst customer experience you’ve ever had? How much would you pay to make it heard?

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Image by: nicointokio

Carola M.

Software Developer | Digital Reporting Specialist | I make things happen


What if social media are the ones adopting a poor customer service? Shall we use social media as a meaningful tool for raising our voice against themselves? Or maybe, is it likely that these companies will be sly enough to establish transparent communication channels with their users so as to exploit the massive flow of information they are promoting? My worst experience in terms of problem handling has actually occurred with LinkedIn.


On a positive note! I always fly Southwest Airlines - always on time, never any lost luggage, the crew is always smiling. The last time I had to fly another airline was 2011. I had to fly AA, yep as I suspected from my experience with AA in 2008 the flight was delayed, not just one segment every segment flying out and returning. If I can't fly where I need to be on Southwest Airlines then I get as close as I can and drive the rest. International Flights, Sorry to say I have no recommendations. So my hats off to the airline that everyone else aspires to be. On Time - Always Smiling and never a lost bag. Go Southwest Airlines!


No - if nothing else "Bad Customer Service " is catapulted to new staggering heights! Especially for software companies like PDF Converter who sells PDF Converter Elite 3. It's a great product works well however if you ever need anything then your out of luck. Most complaints are a result of interacting with someone to resolve a problem. I can't even get that far. No one answers the phone, no one returns phone messages, no one replies to emails, emails published on there website for support and service. They claim 24 hour turn around time. Its been 72+ hours. I thought about calling a friend who has an auto dialer and flooding the phone systems or filling up the email server with advertising and marketing trash. Breathe - Deeply Exhale - Slowly! Now with some common sense putting aside my frustration I count the cost of wasted time and energy and it's best to move on and count my losses. I surrender - taking my business some where else. This is the cost of bad customer service and support. No not one sale or license renewal - its the tens of thousands of potential sales because of comments like yours and mine. That tell the world how we were treated. I would never recommend purchasing this product because of its poor customer support and service or should I say the complete non-existence of support and service.

Chris Hollaway

Fantasy/Adventure Author, Small Business Advisor


Although I'm not necessarily directly involved in customer service, I do try to leverage social media feedback for my books. When mistakes are pointed out, I fix and upload version patches. When great reviews come in, I'll sometimes link to and promote them.

Theresa McEaddy

District Leader at Primerica Financial Services, Inc.




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